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Possible New Variant Causes Outbreak in Highly Vaccinated Nursing Home - Argues Against CMS's New Guidance. Back to OpEd Page
References: View OpEd:
1. Gov. Beshear reports COVID-19 outbreak in eastern Ky. nursing home,
appears to be new variant. WKYT. Mar. 16, 2021.
2. New COVID-19 variant detected at KY nursing home. 1 vaccinated
resident hospitalized. Lexington Herald Leader. Acquisto A. Mar. 16,
3. Kavanagh KT. Viewpoint: Nursing Home Guidance Endangers Elderly.
Infection Control Today. Mar. 11, 2021.
4. Planap B. Possible new COVID-19 variant identified in Kentucky
nursing home outbreak. Fox19. Mar. 16, 2021.